The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Rent-to-Own Living Room Set


There are plenty of options when shopping for a rent-to-own living room set. You can find couches (including sectionals) with seating capacities of three to six people, depending on your needs and the layout of your living room.

Most of these sets also come with matching occasional tables. The coffee table can be a focal point in the center of your room, while the side and end tables allow you to display decorative accents. These include lamps, plants, or other items that help tie your living room design together.

You can also choose a set with an accent chair, which adds a pop of color or pattern to your room. Many accent chairs also feature fun upholstery designs, such as a tufted look or bold stripes. The great thing about these chairs is that they work well with almost any interior design style, even as trends change.

Lastly, you can also get a set with a rug to wrap around your living room seating area. This helps tie your furniture and decor together and gives the space a polished finish. When choosing a rug, try to stick with neutral colors like black, grey, and beige, so they’ll look good through the years as trends come.


One of the great things about living room sets is that they are designed to provide a solid base for decorative accents. Many come with color options that are intended to be transitional – meaning they will continue to look good over time as trends come and go. Some sets offer bold upholstery colors, like dark blues and charcoals, which can add a nice contrast to the neutral furniture.

Another style consideration is the amount of seating that a set offers. Most living room sets include at least a sofa and loveseat, with some including a sectional. This is usually a matter of preference, with some homeowners preferring a sectional for greater seating capacity, while others love the flexibility that a sofa and loveseat give them.

Finally, some living room sets include an additional chair or chaise. These are great for adding extra seating and help balance a room’s shape. Some of these chairs or chaises are reclining, which can be very relaxing during a movie night.

Once you’ve found the perfect rent to own living room set for your space, it’s important to consider how it will be arranged. Generally, you want to start with the largest piece of furniture in the set – the sofa or loveseat – and position it facing a focal point in the room, like a television, fireplace, or gallery wall. Then, arrange other seating options, like chairs or armchairs, opposite or adjacent to the main piece. Be sure to leave enough room for people to pass between each seat, and consider putting a large coffee table in the center of the seating area (optional).


A typical living room set combines a sofa, loveseat, and chair — or sometimes more furniture like an ottoman, coffee table or accent chair. These sets save time and effort because they pair coordinating pieces designed to work together. This way, you don’t have to spend hours worrying about whether a sofa matches your chairs’ color or will complement each other.

 A collection includes sofas and chairs in a wide range of styles, including modern and contemporary. We also offer a variety of fabrics, such as leather and microfiber.

Regarding comfort, the right sofa set can make all the difference. Some of our most comfortable models include plush cushions, reclining options, and extra storage. Others feature unique features like a swivel accent chair or chaise lounge. You can even get a sofa set with a pull-out sleeper sofa if you regularly host guests and need to accommodate additional people.

Consider using an area rug to unify the seating group in a large space to add style and comfort. Be sure to choose a rug that’s big enough to fit the front legs of each piece of furniture. This will prevent the seating area from feeling too crowded and allow the rug to shine.


Before browsing furniture options, it is essential to prepare a budget. This will help you narrow your choices and avoid buying furniture you cannot afford. Rent-to-own furniture providers offer flexible payment plans and affordable rates, so finding a suitable set within your price range is possible. Additionally, most rental providers offer packages that include all the necessary pieces for a living room, such as a sofa and loveseat, coffee table, and floor lamp. This will ensure that you maintain a cohesive aesthetic throughout the room and eliminate the need to shop for individual items separately. This makes renting furniture an excellent option for people on a tight budget.

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